in Market Reports, Social Media Marketing, Team Telemarketing News, Telemarketing, Telesales

Setting Your Lead Generation Budget

Marketing budgets are usually consumed by lead generation at around 53%, which means understanding what you need to do and getting it right is essential for a return on investment. It’s no secret that you can attract more customers through lead generation, providing the vital information they need about your business and products at the […]

in Social Media Marketing, Telemarketing, Telesales, Tips

Rethinking The Way You Communicate With Your Customers

The Coronavirus outbreak has caused unprecedented disruption to businesses all over the UK and worldwide. Most businesses will have a projection of not being able to hit their financial targets this year due to the global pandemic and restrictions made on businesses relating to movement during this time. Whilst the coronavirus continues to put pressure […]

in Call centre

How To Avoid Being A Nuisance Telemarketer

Telemarketing can be an extremely useful and responsive tool for both business and customer if properly executed. However, it easy to become part of the ‘stereotype’ that can be associated with telemarketing when it is done wrong. Outbound telemarketing can be hard to gain a response from, but there are ways you can ensure you […]

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