Use a positive approach in telemarketing management!

Call centre management is not an easy task especially when you are dealing with outbound telemarketing because although your staff are sales professionals, they are people not robots. Therefore, you have the power to build your team’s confidence or tear it down. Think about how many more sales and leads your telesales staff are going to bring in when they know they have supportive management. With telemarketing, words are powerful and therefore, the words you use to your staff are also powerful, for instance, never use words such as “must” and “should” when dealing with calls, these words, convey a negative response.
When it comes to telemarketing management and you listen to a call that could have gone better, use it to train, not belittle. Therefore, training would consist of phrases such as, “a different way to handle the call would have been..” because this is training, but if you said, “how many times do I have to tell you this?” it is belittling and you are creating a negative work environment, which most people will not enjoy or be productive in.
Telemarketing services need agents who can highlight the best features of a product/service with such abundance that the target caller will find it difficult to find some fault in it. It can only be done with the outbound call center person knows about what he/she is selling in such a dominant way as to eradicate all doubts in the minds of the prospective buyers.