Building Confidence In Your Outbound Calls
If you have ever worked in outbound telemarketing you will know how nerve wracking it can be making those first calls in an outbound campaign. Luckily, it will only take a few good calls, the right mindset and a realistic outlook for you to build confidence quickly in this infamously difficult area of telemarketing.
We are sharing our top tips on how to build and encourage confidence your outbound calls and campaigns to achieve out of this world results from your clients campaign.
Being realistic at the beginning of an outbound campaign is essential for setting an expectation of the campaign without putting pressure on outbound agents delivering the calls. Strategising realistic targets and conversion from the campaign will allow you to take an element of performance pressure away and encourage confidence, which could eventually lead to smashing targets.
Criticism can often be confused as ALWAYS constructive, and in many cases it doesn’t help at all. Criticism does not promote motivation, and motivation can affect call confidence. If something isn’t working instead of attacking individuals, include them in the process of developing areas of campaigns that need work, giving your telemarketing agents the importance of being involved in evolving and inventing ways to make the campaign will show that you care about their struggles and inputs, consequently boosting confidence.
The importance of product knowledge is often overlooked in telemarketing campaigns, but in reality, it is as important as having good sales skills. It’s a no brainer that if you know what you are talking about inside out and have a sound understanding of the product or services, you are going to naturally feel more confident in overturning objectives and selling the product.
Instead of focusing on making the perfect calls, you need to apply more focus into the potential negatives of the calls – mainly rejection. Working on and acknowledging rejection throughout the campaign process will allow outbound agents to develop a more realistic outlook on the potential for negativity and decrease the likelihood of taking negativity on the call personally, as there will be an element of expectation and preparation for it.
Providing telesales agents with feedback on their performance, development and areas to improve is important to give them a confidence boost. A sense of reassurance can do wonders for an agent’s confidence as it allows them to see how they are getting on with the campaign. If there is any negative feedback ensure you use that to apply a sense of a lesson learned and make sure that both you and the agent go away with a mutual understanding and solution to any issues for the sake of their confidence on future calls.