Beating the Summer Lull

If your telemarketing centre experiences a “summertime lull,” you may wonder if it’s worth the effort to keep sales figures up during these slow months. But the calls you don’t make are sales you won’t get. Sure, many people go on holiday in the summer, but there are ways around the summer lull.
Keeping in touch with prospects throughout the summer will help prevent other telemarketing centres from whisking them away from you. So don’t let your prospects forget about you. If you shelve these follow-up calls during the summer, there are others ready to woo them during that time.
If it is difficult to track down prospects during the summer or get them to make a decision, then it’s a prime time to set up your appointments for later in the year or simply build up your relationships with prospects. Consider the effort spent doing this as investing in later sales.
On the other hand, some industries really do close down for periods during the summer, creating a telemarketing “blackout.” If you find out which industries these are, you can plan your telemarketing efforts around it. This will help you avoid wasting time calling businesses that simply aren’t available in the summer.