Effective Tactics To Generate Leads On Social Media
Social media has become one of the biggest and best tools for marketing in the last decade, and grasping a full understanding of what you can achieve if you implement the right strategies is essential for success. A great social media campaign can take your business to new levels of development, growth and success, offering unlimited amounts of sales and lead generation at the touch of a button. There are several ways to generate leads on social media and we are sharing a few of our most effective tactics that you can implement into you social media marketing strategies.
Knowing Where To Channel Your Campaigns…
There are so many dependants on which you choose the right platforms to perform your marketing strategies on, and probably the most obvious is your target market. Knowing your target market and their social media habits, usually framed around their age range, is one of the most effective tactics to help generate leads successfully for your business. Paying close attention to the target market age is a key component to getting it right, in terms of choosing the right social platforms, as younger people are less likely to use LinkedIn and Pinterest as much as they would use Snapchat, Twitter and Instagram. Whereas, older people are more likely to be on Facebook.
If you’re more B2B sales, LinkedIn is the top preference for investing in and offers a platform that is perfect for B2B sales and lead generation.
Optimize Your Profile…
Before entering into your next social media campaign, make sure your profile and business page is optimised to receive those leads in the most efficient and easiest ways for customers to navigate around your business social media platforms. Your customers should be able to easily contact you, find important information, sign up for newsletters and even shop from your business pages, so making sure you optimise your profile is essential.
Call To Action Buttons – On many platforms, you will be able to create ‘call to action’ buttons that you can change depending on your goals in your marketing campaigns. There are many different options to choose from, including linking directly to your website or sign up for customers to easily access your newsletter.
Correct Contact Information – It is ESSENTIAL that your contact information on your social profiles are up to date, and is one of the most common complaints from customers trying to get in touch with businesses, a small alteration that could see you go from business from a customer to a click off your business page.
Link In Your Bio – Where social media platforms don’t offer as efficient tools as Facebook and Instagram, you should add a link in your bio to whatever place you are trying to send your prospective customers to. Again, depending on your target this could be anything from a link to register interest in the products or services you provide or could be a link directly to shop. You should try to link back as much as possible in your content too, as relevant as possible.
Create Engaging Content
What it will really come down to is creating attractive and engaging content that is not only going to entice the interest of your target market, but also make them want to share that content with like minded friends, families and followers too who are very likely to also be in your target market.
Team Telemarketing can help you to develop better social media strategies and help with creating engaging content to benefit your business and lead generation on social media.