Tips for Getting Passt the Gate Keeper- From Team Telemarketing

We all know that the “Gate Keeper” can be the keeper of the key to our success as a telemarketer. In a nutshell get the “Gate Keeper” on your side and you are well on your way to success.
Here are some tips on how the get on the good side of the “Gate Keeper”:
1. Sound Authoritative:
If you feel nervous it will show in your voice. Know what you are calling about and why. This will help you feel confident if asked or quizzed by the “Gate Keeper”
2. Be Direct and Get to the Point:
“Gate Keepers” are often very busy people, not only are they busy Gate Keeping; they are usually answering the phones to many other people and are juggling many balls or balancing many plates! They don’t want to chat or discuss the weather; they want to direct your call in the correct manner, swiftly.
A statement along the lines of the following will suffice:
“John Smith please, is he in?”
This statement not only informs the “Gate Keeper” who you want to speak to, it’s brief and to the point, but for those highly experienced “Gate Keepers”, it also poses a question they have to answer…IS HE IN?
3. Be Honest (well as honest as you can without giving too much away!)
If your opening statement hasn’t already been sufficient to “pass go and collect £200”, then the next hurdle you may face from the “Gate Keeper” is that dreaded question…”What’s it concerning?” Here’s where you need to answer wisely, precisely but without giving too much away. An example:
“It’s concerning an HR compliance issue…IT IS STILL JOHN THAT DEALS WITH THAT ISN’T IT?”
Gate Keeper
“Wonderful…IS HE IN PLEASE?” (There’s that same question again!)
The statement gives the “Gate Keeper” an idea of what you are calling about, though keeps it vague. More importantly, stating the obvious to the “Gate Keeper” that it is John who would deal with this and so it’s not worth the “Gate Keeper” asking you any further questions.
4. Remain Pleasant and Polite
You must befriend the “Gate Keeper”, but do so in a non-annoying way, be friendly not false. You may need to call back a number of times to this person and there is no way you will ever get passed them if you do not treat them politely and respectfully (remember they are only doing their job)
Good Luck!
Sept 2013-09-24