Three Key Components To Building A Telemarketing Script
Building a telemarketing script can be a challenge, but when it is done right and with the right execution, it can be the gold that gets your business off the mark or improving sales considerably. There is a way to attack the script writing strategy which will develop over time as you become more and more experienced in your product and target market knowledge, as well as the adaptation of lifestyle and culture that would effect the way you sell your products and services.
Get To The Point
Telemarketing commonly can struggle to engage people at the best of times, so making sure you are very clear and concise when you are discussing the benefits of your products and services is essential. Your rapport building shouldn’t be scripted, so your script should be fairly to the point as possible when it comes back to keeping the structure of the call and achieving the end goal. You can have bullet points that the agent can relay to the prospect throughout the call, and if whilst rapport building they mention something relative, your agent will be able to revert back to the USPs.
A sales script shouldn’t be structural to a conversation, but should get the important information across that NEEDS to be delivered in order to ensure the prospect is confident and knowledgable about the products or services you will be providing for them.
Confirm You Are Speaking To The Decision Maker
It’s a no brainer that at the start of every single telemarketing call you make, that you confirm that you are speaking with the decision maker, and putting this into your script is essential for ensuring you are not spending sales minutes wasted on somebody who is not able to purchase the product.
You should have a sound database that provides at least a first and last name, so you should know who you are speaking to and that person is most likely to be the decision maker, so ensure you are speaking to the right person in those initial moments.
Provide Guidance With Over Turning Objections
Over turning objections is a skill worth learning to be successful in your telemarketing campaign, and is something that will take experience and product knowledge to achieve. When you’re writing your script ensure that your agent has some guidance on overturning objections to turn it into opportunity, you will become more and more familiar with the response of your target market as you go through your campaign, and should add more detail and update regularly to ensure your agents aren’t caught out and unable to sell.