The Future of Telemarketing – Is It Still Good For Business?
People tend to think that Telemarketing is just for cold calling or sales activities, but it has so many other uses as well.
Setting Up Appointments
Telemarketing allows your company to set up new appointments (with new or existing clients) via phone so that you can go and sit with a potential customer to find out how your services and products can meet their requirements.
It allows you to reduce your cost per lead and frees up ample time for you to focus your strengths elsewhere.
In case you leave any business unfinished, your telemarketing team can follow up with your new networking contacts or after a meeting to close the sale for you while you jet off to see your next client.
Following Up on Payments
Do you have invoice payments outstanding owed to your company and chasing the client is not something you are comfortable with or have time for? Your telemarketing team can spend time chasing up the payments for you in a professional manner.
Sell Ad Space or Event Space or Tickets
Use your telemarketing team to sell advertising space. Telemarketers can contact people or businesses placing ads on a regular basis and sell them ad space. Or market your event by contacting the right cliental to attend.
Driving Forces
Telemarketers make use of state-of-the-art marketing research, up to date data, direct mail, print advertising and the electronic media.
A continued demand in speed and convenience in business transactions and the ability to develop lasting impressions and friendly human interaction in business will keep the phone call alive and thus telemarketing thriving.
The age of digital marketing is here to stay but telesales stands second only to in-person contact for success rate in terms of results and ROI, and will do so for as long as people have the desire to Interact with other people.
Team Telemarketing is one of the UK’s leading B2B telemarketing companies – Contact us for your personalised solution today on 08455 700 100