The Challenges Of Managing An In House Telemarketing Campaign
Many businesses prefer to keep all of their projects and marketing in house, which is absolutely fine if you know what you are up against. Although staying in house can benefit your bank balance in the short term, you may find some challenges a long the way when it comes to inexperience and lack of knowledge if you do not do enough to understand the market. Telemarketing campaigns seem easy right?! Pick up a phone and gain the customer’s interest, seems straight forward… But there are many challenges that come with running a telemarketing campaign.
Data is the most crucial element in your telemarketing campaign, and getting your hands on good data is imperative to it’s success. Data ages FAST, so finding the right data and within good time is extremely important when sifting through. It is important that your data correlates with the kind of customers and clients you are wanting to contact and work with. Spending hours calling ‘dead’ data will be a costly feat in both budget and time.
Your unique selling point will be the guiding light throughout your campaign, and will be something that you offer each and every person you contact to attract their attention. Most industries are part of a network of similar businesses and brands all trying to compete with each other for a customer’s business, so ensure you have that unique element to your business will enable your campaign to thrive. Without it, you are merely a weak competitor.
Once you have your fresh, relevant date and a USP, you will be ready to start thinking about making some of your first calls. Another challenge you will face is finding the right people to orchestrate those calls with great conviction and with the tone/attitude you want your business or brand to offer to customers.
Your callers need to be enthusiastic, passionate and have a good understanding of the product or service you are providing initially. Without these attributes you will struggle to make sales or generate leads, it’s important to offer training to your staff as this can be extremely beneficial.
Another important challenge to overcome in managing an in house telemarketing campaign, is having a good grasp on what you consider success. You need to lay out your goals and intentions for the campaign to help with having a focus and a target to work towards during the campaign itself. These goals and definitions of successful campaigns will enable you to adapt your campaigns and motivate your team in the process.
If you’re struggling to overcome the challenges you are facing within your in house telemarketing campaigns, why not consider outsourcing? Team Telemarketing have decades of experience, a team of experts to work on your campaigns and a number of options that are completely flexible to your needs and wants.