Measuring The Value Of Telemarketing Beyond Leads
Telemarketing is used as a marketing method that usually demands x amount of leads and sales as the top priority, but the value of what you are doing with telemarketing can be measured in other ways too. Evaluating your success and your failures when it comes to your telemarketing campaign is important to do at regular intervals during the campaign. If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it, is a mantra that comes to mind, and making sure you can measure your telemarketing campaign in more ways than one is essential for success.
So what should you be measuring that has equal value to leads?
Time spent – It is extremely important to measure the amount of time you are spending on your telemarketing campaign, whilst looking for areas of your campaign that you could utilise your time better.
Return on investment – Mindlessly pumping money into a campaign that is not going to make any profit to your business is a really foolish but easy thing to do, if you’re not careful. Making a sale is one thing, but if you spent more money getting that sale than earning the business, what is the point? ROI is so crucial to monitor, and can be the difference between campaign success and failure.
Conversion – Something worth monitoring and measuring consistently is your conversion rate, however it’s not the easiest thing to do. Having an understanding of what your conversion rate is looking like is very important, but in the same breath can be misleading and will take close monitoring over a period of time to see where you should be sitting at and whether it needs improvement or not.
Decision maker success – One of your main goals for your telemarketing campaign should be getting hold of the decision maker as much as possible. Making this a focus and measuring the success you’re having with decision makers will help with developing and building on that success.
Data quality – Keeping a close eye on and measuring the quality of your data is essential for a good campaign. Poor data will be a waste of time and in turn, money. Wrong contact details, wrong numbers and preaching to the wrong market, is all going to cost you.