Google Plus for the Local Business

If your business is using social media (and if it isn’t, read why it should be), then you are probably using the BIG 3 – Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
You might have overlooked Google Plus (also known as Google+).
It might not be the biggest party around, but it is still very relevant, especially if you are a storefront business and you are looking for local customers.
Google Plus is very relevant for local businesses.
Over the past few years, Google Plus has updated their operations. If your business has a storefront (or a few stores) in a town or city, you definitely want to be connected on Google Plus through ‘Google My Business’. It can have a significant impact on the visibility of your business when people in your city search for products and services.
Google Plus is stellar for local searches.
Who better than the people who run Google Maps to use their information to provide better search results? Google Plus has created a platform called Google My Business.
If your business is independently owned and operated (not part of a national chain), Google Plus can place your business near or at the top of the search results. When people search “ xxxxxxxx Birmingham”, your business has increased chances on being on the first page of results, which is where everyone wants to be.
Is Your Business Connected Correctly with Google My Business?
If you haven’t created a business page for your business with Google My Business, there are many benefits to doing so.
What Category Does Your Business Sit In?
If your business is a brick and mortar building where people visit to buy your products, your business is categorised as a Storefront. When your business shows up in a Google search, your location, opening hours, and phone number will appear too.
For businesses that provide a service, there is a category called Service Area. This allows people to see how close your are to them for providing your particular type of service. Other information such as your business hours and phone number and other pertinent details can also appear.
For simply connecting with your prospects, your business category is Brand. Your customers won’t see a location listed with your business because you don’t have a location in their city.
Enhance Your Business Listing
By adding photos, basic store information, important keywords, and an easy-to-remember web address, your business can be more attractive to prospects because they can see of the relevant information in one place.
Create Connections
There are features within ‘Google My Business’ that are incredibly helpful for organising the different types of connections your business may make.
You have different types of connections in your business – There are prospects, current customers, and influencers. You can create virtual circles of contacts depending on their type of connection.
For example, a local fashion boutique can email each type of circle with a message that is specific to them. This creates a more sincere connection with each group. Prospects can be sent information about sales and new products. Current customers can be offered special discounts. Influences such as lifestyle and fashion bloggers can get a preview about new brands and collections that are coming to your store.
Communities and Collections
This feature allows you to follow and share with others based on specific things people are into. The Communities feature easily lets connect you with people who are interested in the same topics you are.
Make sure your business is listed and connected in Google Plus with Google My Business. There are so many benefits you are missing out on if you’re not.