Closing Sales Like A Pro
There is no set of rules for closing sales, and you will find that all sales people themselves, will have different experiences and different methods to closing their sales. Experience is everything and there is no doubt that you will learn lots of lessons during your sales career that will enable you to adapt and develop your skills. In this post we will be giving you some tips and guidelines from our experience on how to close sales like a pro.
Using a confirming technique is one of the easiest ways to close your sales. Using a customers concerns and objection to overturn the attempt to sell the product or service is a great way to get a close. Asserting this method when you feel that you may be losing the sale, a sure fire way to take the control away from the customers objections. For example, a customer may be complaining about the price, so use the confirm technique by saying ‘if we lower the price to something more affordable for you shall we close the deal?’.
This can be something learnt with experience, and if you have a good conversation flow and building rapport well, you will find closing will come naturally in the conversation. However, closing too early can make a customer feel rushed and pressured into a hard sale. Closing too late gives the customer an opportunity to change their mind numerous amounts of time, and you could find yourself boring the prospect enough to not get to the close. An ideal scenario would be to wait until you’ve listened to the customers thoughts, feedback and objections, responded to them accordingly, check there is nothing let for them to object to, and then move to closing the sale.
When initiating a close, it is important to summarise. Briefly reiterate everything that has been spoken about in the conversation, try to stick to the most important factors and keep it positive. Reiterate the products or services they have taken an interest in and confirm the benefits that you have outlined to the customer. This will enable you to initiate a sense of control over the conversation for the customer and will make it easier to close the sale.
A great way to close a sale is to use assumption techniques. Not only will it help you to guide the customer into the close of a sale it will give you an essence of natural confidence in the product or service and enable you to initiate what you want from the sale without being forceful and over the top. Believing in your ability to make the sale and believing in what you are selling will make you naturally progress through the sale without really trying very hard to keep your customers attention.