Are your leads escaping faster than Steve McQueen in the Great Escape?

Almost all telemarketing agencies these days work off some form of database or spreadsheet when conducting campaigns. So the scenario is you have for example 1000 accounts containing contact details for your prospects. You would usually call these in some form of order. First of all you would probably call the ones that contain the most information about your prospects and so on. You would then set a time and date for your “hot leads”
The problem then for telemarketers is getting sidetracked and mismanagement of these leads. Data should always be time-scaled in order of priority with the most likely prospects first and then filter down to the less attractive ones. The quick sell is not always the best as some of these can just as easy turn into dead ends. Some of the best leads are ones you have cultivated you could find yourself talking to the prospect 2 or 3 times before closing the deal.
Keep you eyes on the ball and don’t try juggling to many at once, this way you won’t let your leads slip through you fingers.